Connect Ways Dispatch

Frequently Asked Questions

At Logity Dispatch, we welcome your questions. It’s part of our commitment to excellence in customer care and our dedication to honesty and transparency. Feel free to contact us, or see if your question is one we are frequently asked.

Dispatching is the process of assigning tasks, jobs, or deliveries to individuals or vehicles. It involves coordinating schedules, routes, and resources efficiently to ensure timely completion of tasks.

Dispatching services are beneficial for a wide range of industries including transportation, logistics, delivery services, field services (such as plumbing, HVAC, and electrical), emergency services, and more.

Our dispatching system offers features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, automated task assignment, communication tools, reporting and analytics, and integration with other business software.

Dispatching software streamlines operations by automating task allocation, optimizing routes, reducing response times, improving communication between dispatchers and field personnel, and providing valuable insights through data analysis.

Yes, our dispatching system is highly customizable. We understand that every business has unique requirements, so our software can be tailored to accommodate specific workflows, preferences, and industry regulations.

Cloud-based dispatching solutions offer benefits such as accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection, scalability to accommodate business growth, automatic updates, and data security measures.

Our dispatching system is equipped to handle emergency situations efficiently. It allows for quick dispatching of the nearest available resources, real-time tracking for emergency response vehicles, and effective communication between dispatchers and responders.

Yes, our dispatching system can integrate with various software and tools commonly used in businesses such as CRM systems, accounting software, GPS tracking devices, and communication platforms to streamline operations and enhance functionality.

We offer comprehensive customer support including onboarding assistance, training resources, technical support, and regular updates to ensure that our clients maximize the benefits of our dispatching system.

Getting started with our dispatching system is easy. Simply contact our sales team to schedule a demo and discuss your business needs. We’ll guide you through the setup process and provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition.